30 Day Video Game Challenge – Day 2

30 Day Video Game Challenge
Day 2 – Your favorite character.

It was hard to choose one, I guess I don’t get overly invested in the story-lines I play – because not many characters even come to mind.  I should probably work on that…
For now I’ll choose Vincent Valentine of Final Fantasy 7 & Dirge of Cerberus.  But honorable mentions go to Dante of Devil May Cry, Wynn of Dragon Age, and bad-guy-what’s-his-name from Resident Evil.

30 Day Gaming Challenge – Day 1

30 Day Video Game Challenge
Day 1 – Very first video game.

Wonder Boy in Monster Land.  I’m not sure if it is in fact the first video game I ever played, but it is the first one I remember playing, and certainly the first video game I ever owned.  Our neighbors gave me their Sega Mastersystem and a copy of this game when I was about 7.  The Mastersystem came with Alex the Kidd installed, but it was Wonder Boy I played first – and got hooked on.  I spent months trying to beat that game, never got very far of course..  is it just me or were games a lot harder back in those days? Or maybe 7-year-olds just really suck at playing video games…  I wonder if I’d get any further through it these days?  I might have to test this…  for science! ..or just for old time’s sake.

30 Day Video Game Challenge

I haven’t even started my gaming blog yet…  tsk tsk.  So I figured I’ll start it off with one of those 30-day challenges.  I have so far only found one decent gaming one, so I guess it’ll have to do, maybe I might make my own one up at a later date.
I’ll add links to this list as I complete the days, try to keep it all neat and organised…somewhat.  What am I talking about, nothing I do is EVER neat and organised.
Oh well, without further ado – the challenge:


Day 1 – Very first video game: Wonder Boy in Monster Land
Day 2 – Your favorite character. Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy 7 & Dirge of Cerberus)
Day 3 – A game that is underrated.
Day 4 – Your guilty pleasure game.
Day 5 – Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were).
Day 6 – Most annoying character.
Day 7 – Favorite game couple.
Day 8 – Best soundtrack.
Day 9 – Saddest game scene.
Day 10 – Best gameplay.
Day 11 – Gaming system of choice.
Day 12 – A game everyone should play.
Day 13 – A game you’ve played more than five times.
Day 14 – Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper.
Day 15 – Post a screenshot from the game you’re playing right now.
Day 16 – Game with the best cut scenes.
Day 17 – Favorite antagonist.
Day 18 – Favorite protagonist.
Day 19 – Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in.
Day 20 – Favorite genre.
Day 21 – Game with the best story.
Day 22 – A game sequel which disappointed you.
Day 23 – Game you think had the best graphics or art style.
Day 24 – Favorite classic game.
Day 25 – A game you plan on playing.
Day 26 – Best voice acting.
Day 27 – Most epic scene ever.
Day 28 – Favorite game developer.
Day 29 – A game you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up loving.
Day 30 – Your favorite game of all time

I live with crazy people..

Monday 5th September.
Watching: Finished watching 07 Ghost & Bastard!  Had a flat movie last night of Divergent & Insurgent, now catching up on Stitchers.
Playing: Got a free copy of the 10th anniversary edition of Titan Quest to my steam the other day, so been playing the shit out of that.
Listening to: In this Moment – Blood & Star-Crossed Wasteland albums.
Reading: An Ember in the Ashes (Sabaa Tahir)

I’ve been really bad about posting anything lately… got rather busy and kept forgetting to do it, oops.  I’ve been productive because spring is finally here! So I’ve been outside (the horror!) in the garden a lot during the day (Yes my list of hobbies does weirdly include gardening, particularly growing flowers.).  Managed to avoid spending the week’s income on Steam in favour of a trip to the garden store to buy more pretties for the garden.  All of my seeds are sprouting, the gladioli bulbs are planted, lawns are mowed, gardens are weeded, and flowers are blooming.  Look at me, I’m being an adult!
Too bad the outside of the house is the only remotely adult part of this residence 😛  Flatmate A burst into the living room earlier with an evil grin on her face, snatches her container of popcorn and answers my curious looks with “Flatmate B put popcorn down my top..”  A few minutes later I hear screams of “WHY?! WHY?! IT’S CRUNCHY – WHYYY?!”  I walk past Flatmate A laughing her ass off, into the kitchen and see Flatmate B sitting on the floor completely covered in popcorn, there’s popcorn EVERYWHERE.  Flatmate A emptied her entire popcorn stash over Flatmate B’s head.
Everyone migrates outside to smoke and laugh about the popcorn, Flatmate C asks “Can you 3 please stand next to each other?” So we all stand up and move closer.  He then starts singing “I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts.. there they are all standing in a row…” he runs dodges as Flatmate A tries to kick his ass, and then puts on his best cute, innocent voice “I’m sorry, it just popped into my head….. I’ll go inside and eat my icecream now” and disappears while we all dissolve into giggling.
And as I type this Flatmate A pokes her head over my shoulder.. “Tamie, do you love us?” Me: *slightly concerned* “Yeeeesss???” She drops a handful of popcorn over my head.  Where does she even get all of this popcorn??  *eats the popcorn off my keyboard* Meh, free popcorn.
Now she’s amusing herself by throwing candy at me, I’m not complaining. “Ooh piece of candy, ooh piece of candy, ooh another piece of candy!”

In other news, break’s over.. back to Uni for me tomorrow to start an Entomology paper.  Had a brief look through the lecture slides to see what I’ll be doing for the next couple of days.  All the introductory stuff, main physical features of arthropods & specifically insects, diversity of insects etc etc.  Should be interesting.

Finishing there for today, I’ll be back tomorrow 😉

P.s. I had a plan to get my Twitch stream up & running again tonight, so I should probably get onto that.

The week’s adventures

I haven’t been doing as much gaming as usual lately, been rather busy and haven’t had the time 😦
I finally got around to finishing Slender: The Arrival the other day, short but sweet and nerve-wracking.  I briefly returned to it to attempt some speed-runs for achievements, but got side-tracked yet again.
My flatmates got me a bit hooked on Slither.io, I’m kind of ashamed to admit.. but it’s so addictive, and occasionally I manage to get myself on top of the scoreboard.  That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it 😛
Been having some fun & laughs with DeadRising 2 the last couple of days, then my boyfriend decided to buy it as well so he could join me.. and hilarity ensued.
UntitledRelationship goals = Achieved.

Trying to decide what to play next… should I return to Rust perhaps?  I haven’t played it since before they added the XP system, so I’m keen to see how it is now.  Problem is, I used to play on a private server with friends.. but none of them play anymore & the server is pretty much empty… would it still be as much fun without them I wonder?  *reminiscing* We had so much fun on Rust…  those were the good days.  Although….  I now live with one of my old Rust companions… *plotting*  I should stick a fake beartrap outside Scott’s door, just for old-time’s sake 😉

Leaving the House

Been pretty busy this last week actually leaving the house (shock horror!).
Went on a household outing to play miniature golf at Caddyshack City.  Turns out I’m really really terrible at it, but I still didn’t lose… quite.  Hahaha.  I did manage to finish one hole with only 2 shots though.  Beginner’s luck 😛

Went to the theatre to watch Suicide Squad.  I was really hyped to see it, and it did not disappoint.  The Joker & Harley were suitably insanely awesome, and I thought Will Smith did a pretty damn good Deadshot.  What was with the pink fluffy unicorn though??  I’m not really familiar with Boomerang outside of Suicide Squad so I guess I’m missing some background reference..  Might have to go research this, my brain wants to know now.

Last weekend was the KAOS Slave Auction party.  For explanation: KAOS is a club at Canterbury University, Killing As Organised Sport – a club full of awesome weirdos that run around campus shooting each other with nerf guns & water pistols (amongst other things, the killing rounds are full of hilarious hi-jinks) and throwing the best parties.

Phil, Tamie, Scott, KennethThe annual Slave Auction is to raise funds for the annual KAOS 48hr party which is in 2 weeks.  I didn’t put myself on the block this time around, my excuse is that I’m not even sure how much of the 48 I’ll end up attending – if I attend at all.. so I’d be a pretty unreliable minion :P

Izzy, Tamie, Jordan (photo from Phil)

My mental health support worker came around yesterday to take me to a meet & greet with this mental health support/activity group thing called Step Ahead.  They host free or cheap daily activities & classes for people of all ages that are diagnosed with mental illness.  So I got to look over their timetable & book myself into some activities, so I’ve signed up for a couple of tramping trips, some stone carving classes, and of course as many of their arts & crafts sessions as I can be bothered going to.
Oh and I finally got around to signing myself up for a membership at the University gym.

This month shall be the month of me leaving the house heaps!!  Hehe.  Sadly that means less time for gaming though..  *pets PC* It’s ok my lovely machine you, I’ll still play with you every evening.


First Real Blog Post

So this is my first real post on here, bare with me, I’m new to this and I’m not much of a writer.
I guess I’ll start by summarizing my last few weeks.. or months.  This may be a really long post 😛

So not too long ago I spent 3 weeks in Hillmorton Psychiatric Hospital.  I make no effort to hide the fact that I’ve suffered from pretty severe clinical depression for most of my adult & teenage years, but I’d never really tried to get proper help for it before, I just managed it as best I could on my own.  My attempts to finally get some proper professional help ended up with me being hospitalized.   Being in hospital was pretty terrifying to start with, it’s quite unsettling being suddenly taken from the lifestyle and environment I was so used to, to being stuck in a small room in an asylum, surrounded by strangers and monitored 24/7, and of course not having my PC anymore, haha.  But it turned out to be one of the best things I’ve done for myself, it was eye opening to say the least.  The amount of support I received from staff, other patients, friends and family, was amazing.  And for a self-proclaimed hermit/loner I learnt just how much of a difference it makes to my mental health to actually have people around me.  Turns out being a loner doesn’t actually work all that well for me, hahaha.  Anyway while I was in hospital some of my best friends that were visiting decided we should all move in together when I got out, this went much better than expected and we signed a lease contract for a new house while I was still in hospital, and I was discharged from hospital with just enough time to pack up all of my belongings and move into our new house.
So now here we are, I live in a really nice 5-bedroom house in the suburbs with my dearest friends: Aimee, Sarah, Scott, Ra, a cat, a rat, and Sarah’s 5-year-old daughter Ayla.  We’ve dubbed ourselves “The Wayward Adventurer’s Guild” and our house; our guild headquarters “The Funny Farm.” It’s great, so much crazy fun and ALL OF THE LOLZ! hehehe.
My own headspace is slowly improving lately, this house is obviously helping quite a bit.  Plus I have a hospital assigned case-worker, and a support-worker which both actively help me find new things to try in regards to rehabilitation & recovery.

Anyway, enough about that.  What have I been up to lately? hmmmm…  Well I’m still on break from study at the moment, but I’m enrolled to take an Entomology (Insect Biology) paper next term, so I’m kinda looking forward to that.  Small steps, start with one paper this semester and then slowly work my way back up to full-time.  I’ll get that PhD one day!!  😛
Went on a household outing to play miniature golf the other day, first time I’ve really played it… and I didn’t lose!
Ooh ooh and we went to see Suicide Squad the other night too, good movie was good.  Highly enjoyed.

Hmmmm.. at a loss of what else to talk about right now.  Too much writing…  Time for me to go do some gaming for a while 😉
Bye bye for now.